
Landscape Preview

1 . Where is one place on the internet you might go to better prepare yourself for the location you are shooting at? Google maps to check for parking spots and places to go. 2. What is one app you might download to help you when trying to pick the best angle to take landscape photos? Photographers Emphemeris 3. What is the biggest problem shooting with a zoom or telephoto lens? The background and the foreground merge together and it doesn't give you any depth 4. Instead of using the HDR method you learned in my class, what is another technique the website suggest would be acceptable for compensating for sky and ground? An ND grad filter 5. List three things you should always carry in case of bad weather. Waterproof plastic bag, cleaning cloths, and a microfibre towel. 6. Why would pre-scouting help you when shooting? You have a planned subject and it helps you save valuable time if you are shooting at sunrise or sunset. 7. Is subject or composition more important in landscape photo...

Merger Shoot Preview

1. The photo has the panoramic effect where the background is warped. I also worried about blocking myself or the pictures not lining up completely and shadows in the picture. 2. I am looking for a picture that has a even background/something that the images will be easier to lineup. I will also need some markers in the background to where I place myself to avoid blocking. 3. I want to do myself having a conversation with myself or me all sitting at a lunch table if it to work. 4. I want to wear something that is a mono-color to help me stand out from my background and look more uniform. i feel like a skirt could add some dynamic to the photos and give them a more relaxed feel for me.

HDR Photoshoot


HDR Photography

1. To get an HDR image you will need to get different exposers of the same photo. To get different exposers you will have to manipulate the camera settings so that you can capture the darkest and lightest renderings. 2. We will need a camera that has an AED function, a tripod, and a software that can make the HDR images. 3. Someone might want to take an HDR image because they want to capture the best light parts and the best dark parts in the photo that they can't capture with just one frame. 4. We could see when we join the images that some of the details that got lost in the lighter images and darker images are there.

portfolio notes

1. - Jordan Morph - Sports - they didn't like the positioning of the ball in the golf photo, the wave photo needed a focus point, and the picture with the sleeping guy didn't show much and was out of place. - they like the composition and lighting of most of the photos - I liked the photos in the beginning and i think that they were really strong, but he didn't have a lot of those. - Sam Adams - BMX - they wanted more action in the BMX photos instead of just pictures of them on their bikes, and they wanted more focus and better cropping/framing - They liked the photos with the silhouettes and the black/white photos - I liked the action in his BMX shots, but he could have framed things better. - Carlos Delgado - Mixed - the backgrounds where muddy, and they needed to do color correction, they also didn't use the black/white properly. - they liked the content of the 1st story and the football  photo. - I liked the first story but not much else from the gu...

Graffiti and Found Objects
