Academic Post Shoot Reflection and Critique

     I had some trouble taking photos in classes because some of the kids would not be mature, and others would look straight into the camera while I was taking photos, and then I couldn't use that photo I took because there is someone staring directly into the shot on a candid photo (ARGGGGGRHRR). I found myself thinking about framing, positioning, and focus the most while taking my photos. I wanted my photos to have an interesting angle and have what I want in it while being focused on the subject. If I could do the project again I would try and use more rules of composition and find pictures that I could take representing them. I would also try to do photos that related more directly to the prompt instead of taking photos of objects in the library. That said if I could do this again I would still take pictures in the library, because there is some pretty interesting stuff in there that I really like, I would also continue to take photos of people studying and working on projects because those are usually pretty fun to mess around with and get different angles for. The easiest rule that I have found to produce in my photos is rule of thirds, because you can just change the positioning and there ya go, boom, rule of thirds. Framing for me is one of the hardest to capture because it is difficult to set up just right so you get that really cool effect. One rule that is still pretty confusing for me is how to avoid merges, I am having trouble distinguishing between what is a merger and what is important to the photo. To better myself with this rule I could look up pictures with and without mergers and practice pointing mergers out.
