Front Pages of the World
Front pages of the world-
-My favorite newspaper was from Alexander city, I liked how it used a mixture of infographics and pictures to explain their story.
-My favorite headline from that newspaper was "Tallapoosa County Narcotics Task Force Honored as Officers of the Year", I was personally interested in it because i wanted to know what they had done to get officers of the year.
-There are 5 stories on the front cover.
-When looking through all of the newspapers I noticed that they all had more than one headline or story on the front, with one big photo or infographic, and a few smaller stories with a smaller picture, similar to the yearbook spread.
-Some newspapers had a more modern feel, like it's a paper website. Then other newspapers are more old-fashioned, with the classic font, no effects on the text, and not as much color.
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